Intuitively High

Unveiling Your Soul Contract Clients: 3 Unmissable Steps

Chloe Bennett Season 1 Episode 9

In today's episode, we dive deep into the art of identifying and connecting with your soul contract clients. The clients who are not only a perfect fit for your offerings but also share an undeniable resonance with you and your vision. 

We go beyond demographics and basic psychographics to explore a holistic approach that marries the wisdom of your mind with the intuitive power of your body and energetics.

Learn how to cultivate deeper relationships, experience more ease in your marketing, and build a thriving community that feels truly aligned.

We Explore:

1. Powerful Questions to Unlock Clarity: We delve into six powerful questions designed to uncover some of the most important things about your soul clients.  This allows you to craft offers and messaging that deeply resonate with their needs.

2. Meaningful Community Conversations: Learn how to actively engage with your community through value-driven conversations. This is not just about gathering data; it's about building authentic, mutually beneficial relationships. I provide practical steps for creating and holding these conversations.

3. Body-Based Energetic Connection: Unveil the missing piece: connecting with your soul contract clients on an energetic level using the wisdom of your body and intuition. This practice helps to strengthen your intuition and allows you to receive insights beyond the realm of conscious thought.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid: There are many things that we can miss, or that keep us from calling in our soul contract clients, I share with you the mistakes I see made most often so that you can avoid making them in your own business.

This episode is for coaches, healers, and creatives ready to craft a business and community deeply aligned with their radiant legacy.

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The two-part Human Design consultation is designed to help you unveil, refine, and realign your path, guiding you home to your super bloom sweet spot.
Together, we’ll explore your unique Human Design, distil the insights that matter most, and ground stardust into strategy so that you feel truly bolstered to live, lead, and create in full bloom.
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Welcome back to intuitively. Hi. I am bringing you a conversation today about identifying and connecting with your soul contract clients and community. I want you to imagine building a business where every client that you work with or every person that enters your community feels so aligned on purpose and. You really feel that energetic connection? That there is the magic of working with your soul contract clients. Now. Today, I'm going to give you insight into how to uncover. Who they are and how you can call them and how you can connect with them. There is a couple of things that I do a little bit differently to what you may have heard of before. They're more like, as my clients tend to describe, it's the missing piece to the puzzle of connecting with your soul contract clients now. You've likely heard the term. Ideal clients, right. Which is in one way, somewhat of what we're speaking to. However, today we're going to take it a layer deeper. We're going beyond demographics. We're even going beyond some of the psychographics that we are invited to explore, which I also stand behind. And we're going to explore that throughout this episode as well. And also, you know, the difference of them. So when we are focusing on sole contract clients, it is that layer deeper. So the difference between focusing on. You know, clarifying an ideal client versus a sole contract client. There is a deeper connection. There is a real resonance, a right relationships that begins to unfold when you create those connections. And it is a different feeling. It takes. The ideal client. You know, this mental space that we get in with an ideal client, and it really brings it into the body, into the energy field. And it marries the brilliance of the wisdom of our mind and the wisdom of body and energy. So I'm really excited to share this episode with you today. Because, you know, when we're able to connect with our soul clients and, you know, community in this way, you experience deeper relationships, this kind of clarification. It really helps in, you know, even relationships outside of your soul contract clients. Like it helps in other relationships in business. And you might find a lot of these things. Even happen in life, because what you begin to understand is how diverse everybody is and how brilliant and beautiful that fact is. Now the other thing that you will get to experience with this clarity is more ease in your marketing and a deeper sense of community. And unlike really felt before. This is the part of the work that I take my clients through inside of breathable business article, which is my 14 week one-on-one mentoring program. Where we really combined. It combined in, you know, intuitive wisdom and practical. Personalized strategy to Korea, like create you. What I like to call a business ecosystem. Your breather will business ecosystem. That is. Essentially the world of your business. That thrives with you. And this has just, well, one element that we go into. So I really wanted to share it with you today because it is something that I always get such great feedback on. From clients and, you know, anyone who I share this with in conversation, because. It is quite often something that I tend to share, you know, when I'm having conversations with people, whether it be maybe my DMS or things like that, there's, you know, little tidbits of pointers that I always give, so. I am going to take you through today. Three key things that you need to consider or to do. In order to clarify and connect with your soul contract clients and community. So I have broken this down into these three different we could call them phases. They don't necessarily have to happen in a particular order. I, the order that I'm delivering them in today is more so an order of what you are most likely aware of as a process versus, you know, the bottom end of what you may not have thought of before. So we're starting with, what's common, what's familiar. And then we're going to dig that bit deeper as we go. So, first of all, we are going to start out with the. Phase of asking powerful questions, right? Now filling out a workbook is likely one way that you've learned to uncover your soul contract client, yet the questions within these workbooks, don't always yield the clarity and the connection that you're actually looking for. Now, this doesn't mean that workbooks don't work because they do, they are fantastic when done correctly. This doesn't mean that you need to overcomplicate it. Absolutely not. It's simply about recognizing what's truly important and asking deeper, more meaningful questions. So I'm going to give you five questions that you may or may not have asked yourself when trying to gain that clarity of your soul contract client. Now. Like I said, these questions you may have heard before, you may have answered them and you may have thought, I don't know, like that doesn't really feel like it matters that much. I promise you it matters. The insight that you get from these questions is so brilliant. And I'm going to give you an insight into why these questions matter and you know how they are impactful when you use them. So the first question is what are their core values? What are the core values of your soul contract client? What anchors them into, you know, their space of such deep alignment, what anchors them into their true self. What are their values? Now understanding this helps you to know where you can find them for a start. You know, what their interests are, what drives them in their decision-making and what they prioritize over all else. All of these things are incredibly helpful to. I support you in crafting your offers, your content, your messaging. It really helps you to create. A more holistic picture. Values can tell us a lot about a person. The second question is what keeps them up at night. You know, what can't they stop thinking about or talking about, you know, When I say, what keeps them up at night? I don't necessarily mean this from a negative sense. It's like thinking about, you know, what keeps them up at night. In the sense of. Understanding how they tick, right. What they think about even what distracts them, what means a lot to them. What are the things that keep them up at night? And all of these questions that I'm sharing with you. You can, especially the ones from this point on. Is, you can sort of layer them over the line of work that you're in. So. For example, you know, you might be a mindset coach. So you're going to ask this question from the perspective of being a mindset coach, like what thoughts keep them up at night? What. Beliefs keep them up at night, right? So what, how it pertains to your work? You can make the question even more relevant and take it that step further as well. Question number three. What is the vision that they cannot get out of their mind? Off their heart. Every single person. Has a vision. And what I have discovered after working with so many visionaries and, you know, I mean, With my work. I really focus a lot on the visionary, the vision and the vessel. You may have heard me speak about this before. And the reason I do that is because. We have a vision, right. Our vision is its own entity of sorts. Now. What happens is a lot of people have a vision. However they hide that vision. They make that vision small. Right? So with this question, you want to get really clear on what is the vision that they cannot get out of their head. And that is like so deeply ingrained into their heart space. What is the vision that if there was no limitation that they would bring to life and, you know, limitations being what they might believe about themselves, you know, the self limitation that they have, it might be their circumstances. It might be. I mean, just even believing what's possible for them. Right. I think about a lot of things that I have in my life now. And if, I think back years ago, those things are things that I've thought, you know, They weren't for me. Right. They were, I was being a little bit DiLulla like, I couldn't have those things. Those things were kind of really just for the movies, you know? So when we get to know the vision that our clients are holding and, you know, trying to bring to life. You create better offers. You serve them with so much more purpose and intention. And in turn the transformation that you guide them toward the transformation that you help them achieve is so much more potent, so much more life-changing because no longer are you supporting them to bring the vision to life that they are, you know, the one that they first tell you about. You're helping to bring the vision to life that they're too scared to talk about. But they might feel a little bit of shame talking about. Right. That is why this. Question is so important. Now question number four. What is their biggest frustration right now? Now, this is something that isn't always, you know, thought about or encouraged to explore, because it seems negative yet. The fact is we as humans, I mean, we're human. Like full-stop, we're human things. Get to us, right. To know what bothers someone is incredibly powerful. When you are someone who is guiding them through a transformation or offering them a product or a service, right. For example. If you are a coach, right. Something that might frustrate your soul contract client is that they might be frustrated by confusing communication or lack of detail. So you understand that this is a frustration for them, and then you negate that frustration by being really intentional with your communications and making sure that they are simple and digestible and, you know, full of clear direction and easy to navigate. You don't leave any questions or confusion on the table. Right. And you acknowledge that it is important. And, you know, looking at this from the lens of your onboarding process, like is your onboarding process really clear? Is it set up so that it deeply nurtures your clients so that it meets them where they're at. So it doesn't leave them frustrated. Now. Number five. Question number five. I've got how many questions we have for you. I told you I had five, but it looks like I've snuck an extra one in there. So I've got six. So we've got two more. So question number five. What self limiting beliefs do your soul contract clients hold. That keep them from what they truly want. Now, this one is most likely, you know, self-explanatory like, however, It's still not often dove into enough. When we think about self limiting beliefs, we're talking about the ways in which they limit themselves, the stories they tell themselves the ways in which their mind supports them to sabotage their success or their experience. These question gives you a lot of insight. Because you start to see where. The gap is, or the roadblock is between the vision that they're talking about upfront and the vision that they're too scared to talk about. You start to see where that breaks down. Right. And I mean, Self-limiting beliefs and our mindset. Effect so much of our success of our experience. Like. The amount of times that I have heard people say, you know, success is 80% mindset and 20% strategy. And a lot of that I think is true because. If we don't have a strong mindset, we will sabotage the strategy and strategy. Isn't actually that complex strategy is quite simple. When it's broken down. The thing that feels convoluted, confusing, and just overwhelming is the mindset piece is the self-limitation piece. So if we can understand this. It puts it. Us at a really powerful position to be able to support our clients and our customers. Even better. Now question number six, this is one of my favorites actually. And this sort of backs off number five so I can see why I've added these. The question is what do they need to believe in order to get what they want? So the previous question is asking essentially what they do believe now, right? Via uncovering their self limiting beliefs. With this self limiting beliefs. What does that tell you about what they currently believe? And then question six, what do they need to believe in order to get what they want? What do they need to believe in order to bring the vision that they're too scared to talk about to life and to own it and to feel excited and to feel hopeful and to believe that they can bring it to life. Right. Who do they need to become? And what is it that they need to embody? All of this information helps you craft a client journey and offer the support that results in the transformation that they're looking for, the transformation that you can provide, the next level kind of transformation. You can create a really clear roadmap of where they are. Where they want to be, and then what they need to release verse what they need to receive in order to get there. Right. Like I was talking about the piece of question five of the self limiting beliefs, highlighting what they believe. So that is what they need to release. And then what do they need to receive? They need to receive these new beliefs. They need to allow themselves to step into that space. Right? So that is phase one. And like I mentioned at the start, these aren't necessarily in any particular order. However, the next one is going to help you get clarity on the first step and what I could actually think, but I actually think it's quite powerful and insightful in this process is if you do do it in the way that I'm sharing it with you today. So if you ask the questions first, and then you do this next step, this next phase, you will see the gaps in your own awareness. It's kind of like doing a little bit of an audit on yourself, which. Collecting data, collecting information. It's a fabulous thing because it can tell us a lot, right? And it's not about, you know, making yourself wrong. If you then go and do this next step and you discover that, hang on, I was so off the money. It just will show you how important these conversations are. It will show you where your gaps are in your connection to your soul contract clients and community and where you can strengthen them. Right. So phase two meaningful community conversations now. I want to ask a question and I mean, you know, just answer this yourself to yourself, ponder this to yourself. When was the last time that you actively engage with your community? With the intention of getting to know their needs, desires, challenges in their current season of life or business. The current season. So not the same things that you've been talking about for the last 12 months, not the same challenges that you identified, you know, six to 12 months ago then needs the desires or challenge of six, 12 months ago. The current season. Of life or business. What do you understand about their current season of life on business? So often I see people scoot around this step, avoiding the very thing that they want to have, which is quite ironic, being connection, community and clients. It is so important to show up in your business in a way that is active, not passive, just as it is important to show up for your clients and your potential clients. In a way that is active and not passive to assume you always know enough about what your clients want and need. Makes me really think of the saying What is it? It's like making an ass of you and I right to assume is to make an ass of you and I, or however it goes. The thing is this, isn't just about gathering information. It's about building relationships and creating a space where both of you walk away with what you need. In breathable business, Oracle. I help my clients to structure. This these conversations and navigate. Creating the space for them. So navigate. You know, setting them up and having them happen and then what to do within these Sessions, essentially. So that they feel natural. They feel purposeful and they feel mutually beneficial because my big thing on this is. We need to make sure it's mutually beneficial. I don't think it is. Very right. If that's, that's probably not the word I'm thinking of, but nothing else is coming to mind. If we expect. To be able to go out. And take time from our soul contract clients and community. And, you know, get all of this information out of them, make them bare their soul and not offer anything in return that just doesn't fly with me. The main message here. With this section is that. I don't want you to be scared about reaching out to people who would love to work with or who you feel, you know, embody your soul contract client, or, you know, hosting a community call or one off value calls. Like don't be scared to get out there. Don't be scared to allow yourself to receive the very thing that you want to have. Like I said, before, connection, community and clients. If you're not actively engaging in having these conversations with potential clients. It like, how are you expecting them to come into your world? Like it's and I have these really powerful transformations to feel really seen, to feel really heard and to continue to rave about their experience with you. Right. As a fourth line in human design, I know the power of a network. I know the power of offering a incredible service. My retention rate of my clients across all of the different businesses I've had, has been insanely high. Insanely high. And it's because of the way that I do business it's because of the way that I connect with my people. It's because of the way that I set things up and I hold space and I support them from start to finish. Right. It is because of the intention now. If you're all thinking. Okay, this sounds great, but like, how the hell do I do that? What do you mean? What do I do? I'm going to give you an example of what this can look like when it comes to a, we're going to use the example of a value call, right? Now with a value call, the goal is to essentially receive the information that you need to better support your clients. Right. So what you would want to do to make one of these happen. And this is a very sort of. Quick shot list is one come up with five to 10 people who you feel embody your soul contract client or. Even going through your community, whether it be on Instagram or you might have a you know, a sub stack and there's interaction on there. Or, you know, your email list. If you sort of get responses there. Really gathered, like being intentional about gathering five to 10 people. Who you feel embody or could embody your soul contract client? List them out them like the more closer to 10. The better because not everyone's going to say yes, and that is more than okay. More and more than okay. Now then you want to cross craft a list of questions that align with what you want and need to receive insight on. Right. I, if you are a mindset coach, you're not going to be asking them about what they have for breakfast. Right. The questions need to be aligned with you, your business and what you need to know with the season of business that you're also in, like, why are you needing to host these values calls? What do you need to get out of it? Right. Now the third thing is to decide the reciprocity for their time. So decide what the exchange is, because like I said, It will not fly to ask people to give you their time, energy, and open their hearts to you without giving them something in return. Now, this could look like You know, in the past. It has been, they can bring maybe one challenge to the call, right? So maybe the call is half an hour. And for 15 minutes you ask questions and then 15 minutes you support them with the challenge that they bring. It could be, if you have you know, you've recorded meditations or something like that, it could be an exclusive meditation that you offer them. There's so many options, right? Get creative. Think about it as chat GBT about it. The next thing is to invite these people, to have these values calls. Now. I really encourage you to. Especially if you are a projector I mean anyone really, other than a manifester. None of these sort of cold outreach, these five to 10 people. You don't want them to be people who aren't. I mean, who are sort of strangers who you, who don't already interact with you, who haven't already invited you or given you that that energy or that energetic connection to respond to essentially. So sending out these invitations to people and sending them out from a really genuine place, like tell them. Be really honest and be really clear of like you're in a space where you want to be able to, you know, be really on the pulse with your community and you really value there. Insight. And you want to be able to also offer them support in return, like be really honest and be really open in how you deliver this invitation, because it's also going to impact how many people say yes. Now, the next thing is to host these calls, host the value calls, and if you hosted on zoom, What you can also do is turn on the AI function and the zoom AI will give you a summary essentially. And what you want to do. Definitely record the call. Because you can go back and listen to it and you can pick up on the words they use the phrasing, their tone of voice. Especially for our sacral clients. If you know, they're human designing, you know that they're a sacred, so manifesting generator or a generator, you can listen to their tone of voice. You can listen to the sounds that they make, because that will give you an even deeper level of awareness. Because with sacral people, when they You know, they make sounds. And it's really interesting when you pick up on this, because it's, it's like a different, it's like an additional language that you learn and they don't need to speak words because through the sounds that they make, they say so much like aha, or like simple as that. Mm. Mm mm. You know, there's, there's difference in those tones, right? So that's a, just an extra little tip when you're doing these calls. And when you, you know, you do the call, you assess the summary, you assess the recording. Then you have so much information. Two. Come away with that will improve your offers that will improve your messaging that will improve your content. That will improve the onboarding and offboarding systems. It can tell you so much. Now the reason this is so good to get on a call, like I said, is because you hear the words and phrases that they naturally use. You hear the tone of voice you hear when they light up and when they're hesitant. And the reason that this is so important is because you can then use this. In your messaging in your content, because it will help them to self identify. Right? If you have these insights and you apply them. They're basically reading back their own words in a way. And this isn't to trick them into buying from you at all. This is to use language that connects with them and that they understand.'cause I can guarantee you if one or three of your soul contract clients has mentioned it through this value call. You'll see themes. You absolutely see things. There will be more sole contract clients out there who connect to those words, who connect with those phrases. Right. Now. Nobody. I don't care who you are. I don't care how much money you make. Nobody is ever above client connection and market research. Like I said, I don't care who you are. Your clients deserve that because if they're investing in you. You have to make sure that you are first investing in them. And this is a really important and incredible way to do it. Now that is phase two. For the next phase. I, this is one that I have never heard spoken of. One of my clients. Have like when I've shared this with my clients. Sorry. It's always been the missing piece and it's been the thing that. It kind of shocked me a little bit to start with, because like, why isn't this happening? It makes so much sense to me. And then I remembered. I don't remember. I do things a little bit differently. When I say I blend the strategy and the like the mind and the logic with the intuition, the energetics. I made it, I made it. And I think this episode is a really beautiful example of that because I'm giving you practical. I'm giving you mind and now I'm going to give you body energetics intuition. So. Phase three. And this is something that. I invite you to do. Often don't have it be something that you do once. And you put it down and you don't do it again. This is a practice that will help you not only to initially connect, it will help you stay connected because the issue with the other two phases is that bit. A little bit, one and done. They avoid have a really deep, energetic connection. Right. And this is unhelpful because when. We are in a space of self doubt when we are maybe questioning our direction when we are overwhelmed or, you know, anything that sort of pushes us off path a little bit. We can feel like, I mean, common things I hear of like, I feel like no, one's listening to me. I feel like I'm, you know, where are my clients what's happening? And this is where it is really powerful to create a body-based energetic connection with your soul contract clients. And this is even before they've entered your world. This, this is. Delicious is basically what I'm trying to say. Now. I know many of you are incredibly intuitive or you want to turn the volume up volume up on your intuition. And this is the perfect practice to strengthen that muscle because intuition is a muscle. It is not something that you can just flick on one day and boom, shebang. It is like so loud. You trust it. It feels good. No. Intuition is a relationship you need to be in relationship with your intuition. And this is the perfect practice to strengthen it. And to help you integrate it into your business in a particular way. So. This phase. Is, like I said all about connecting through energy through the body and we spend so much time in the mind trying to connect with our soul clients, trying to get the clarity and we forget. This body and energy based wisdom that is available to us at all times. So what does it look like? Let's talk about it. Let's talk about how to apply it. What do I mean, what does it look like? These practice isn't about overthinking. It's about trusting what comes up. So it's more about trust than anything else, right? And if this feels unfamiliar or intimidating, know that the more that you do it, the more natural it becomes for you. Now, what I'm talking about is meditation and visualization. And if you've heard either of those words and you have switched off, I invite you to switch back on because this is so powerful. You will. Thank yourself for not switching off. This is something that I guide my clients through in breathable business article, as I've mentioned with the other steps, I do all of this inside a breathable business article. And the feedback I get is always so interesting. The common theme is that this is the missing piece. So at the start of the episode, When I mentioned. It being, you know, me having essentially this missing piece, this is it. This is the thing that clients tell me. Is the missing pace. They cannot believe how they didn't catch onto this Cerner how they didn't think of this sooner because it makes so much sense. Now. If you want to try it for yourself, I'm going to give you. A practical example of what this can look like. This is something that I invite you to get creative with really explore what this looks and feels like for you. Because while I guide my clients through this practice inside of BBO, It is something that you can do on your own. You don't even need like an audio meditation and maybe one day I will record that because that actually sounds like a pretty cool idea. For now, though, this is something that you can self guide yourself through. If you're not inside a BBO and have me in your ear, guiding you through it. So, if you want to try it for yourself here is how you can do that. What you need to do is create space. So find a quiet space where you can close your eyes and you can be really present with your body and really present with your intuition. So maybe for you, this is sitting on the couch with your eyes closed. Maybe it is a laying on the floor. Maybe it is laying on your bed. Maybe it is sitting in a park, sitting at the beach, whatever it is, find a space that feels quiet for you, that you feel safe to be able to drop in. And then take a moment and tune into your energy, really feel what's going on in your own body, because you want to be present with what's yours before you enter this space. And I want you to take some deep breaths, so really take some deep breaths to center yourself and ground yourself into the space that you're in. Allow the weight of your body to really drop in and allow the. Whether it be, you know, the earth beneath you. It'd be your couch. It'd be your bed. Allow it to hold you, drop your weight into that space and let yourself be held. Once you feel that you have grounded into the space. What I want you to do is invite your soul contract client to step forward. And you can do this by simply saying whether it be out loud or in. You know, Inside, like internally. Inviting them to step forward and saying, you know, I invite you to step forward. I would love to connect with you. Like please step forward. And. Visualize them walking towards you and begin to notice things about them that grab your attention when they do that. And also notice like when. If you have invited them to step forward and there's a little bit of hesitancy. Notice that. That's fine. Th that we don't need to shame or judge or guilt or make any stories about what that means about ourself or about them. Like I said, this is a practice that you need to strengthen the muscle around. So it might take a couple of goes for you to really sink into this. But when you're there, when they start to move towards you. Notice things about them, notice their energy. How does their energy feel? How do they present? Is there any sort of looks that they have on their face? What is their posture like? How do they move? What can you observe about them essentially before you even speak to them? Now when they reach, you ask them to sit down with you because you want to be sitting. I to, I, you want to be sitting in a space where you are both level, right? No one is above the other, us sitting in connection with them. And then I want you to ask them questions just like you would have a real conversation. And as you do this, pay attention to any sensations or intuitive pings or body. Like little niggles in your body that show up. Because you want to listen to what they're telling you and also what your body is telling you. This is where the body wisdom comes in. Because, I mean, I know as a psychic medium, I get a lot of wisdom through my body. A lot. And if I think about it, my body was actually, this is maybe just a revelation I'm having now. My body was actually the first. Thing that the first, I guess, intuitive sense that really unlocked for me. And it is the one that is so loud, you know, the saying of, you know, listen to the, the stones thrown before the bolt has come and roll you over, essentially listen to the whispers before you hear the screams of your body. And I mean, that's often associated to when people are burning out or, you know, overdoing it before they get sick and actually burn out there's this identifying piece. If you listen to the whispers and you arrest. Rest and you nourish yourself. You won't, you won't have the boulders. You won't have the burnout. So. Sorry that went a little bit off track there, but just notice things about them and ask any questions that feel good for you. And maybe before you enter this space, before you enter the meditation and visualization, you actually have a little bit of a journal about what you want to. Receive in this meditation, what questions you want to ask? What you want to have clarity on that can be really supportive to do as well. Now, when you feel complete, when you feel like you have everything you need, make sure to thank them for sitting with you and. Really be. Intentional about that. I know this can feel a little bit. We were sometimes to some of you you'd be like this. Isn't where we would always has. Great. I love this. I'm just really conscious that this is not. Let's say normal practice for a lot of people in business. However, it will be because it is so powerful. Now. When you feel complete when you've thanked them for sitting with you, I way to work your way back into the room by wiggling your fingers and your toes, and, you know, rolling your shoulders. And then once you feel your body start to come back online, start to, you know, you sort of really take the, the weight back of your body. You feel really back in your body, blink your eyes open and just sort of. You know, have a look around the space of where you are, whether you're at the beach and you, or whether you're at home, wherever you are, just take a look around and really become present back in the room. Once you feel present and back in the room, I want you to grab a notebook or whatever you're writing with. And note down everything that came up for you. It's key that you do this before you do anything else. So don't pick up your phone and scroll or whatever it is, allow yourself the space so that you can collect what came through before any energy breaks through and interrupts the connection. Because when it comes to energy work, What is really important is to. Be present with the energy to open the energy space and to close the energy space. And. I mean, I could go on and talk about how energy works, however, just know that it is important. When you come out of the meditation to grab all the insights and grab the clarity, then you might find things come to you over time after the meditation as well. Things drop in, especially if you find, if you are you know, an intuitive person like. It comes naturally to you, or maybe you are a emotional authority in human design. And over time that clarity comes I myself and an emotional authority. And when. Excuse me when I do anything like this, it, I always get that initial clarity and I get even more over time. So remain open throughout this process and, you know, through what comes after now. If you try this out, I would love to hear from you. I would love if you came and sent me a DM on Instagram. With your experience, your takeaways, you know, maybe what felt good for you, or if there were anything that didn't feel good for you, or if there's something that, you know, confuses you about the process, absolutely come and drop into my DMS. I would love to talk about it because this part just. It changes the game. It is the missing piece, a promise. Now I want to touch on a couple of common mistakes to avoid when connecting with, and, you know, trying to get clarity on your soul contract client before we round out this episode, and this is going to be super quick, super short. I just think it's important to touch on. The common mistakes that are made, and these might be really obvious to you. I think it's just a beautiful reminder as we wrap up this episode. Of the common mistakes that you can avoid so that you can maintain that beautiful clarity and connection. So number one. Over reliance on demographics. Now, as I mentioned at the start of the episode, there what we call demographics and psychographics. When we are speaking about our ideal client. And there are. Very clear, excuse me, differences between what demographics are and what psychographics are, and to give you a very simple explanation. Demographics include what they call objective data. And I'm getting this straight off. Google demographics include objective data, like gender age, income, and marital status. Whereas psycholog aside, psychographic information. Includes subjective data. So things like their belief systems, their values, their goals, their attitudes, that you know, their perspectives. Right? So an over-reliance on demographics focusing solely on things like age or income or their profession. Doesn't give you any way. I need insight into who someone is at all. It doesn't give you much really. Yes. Some of the information is helpful. However, there's a lot of it. That's not anymore. What they like when it comes to this, when it comes to an over-reliance on demographic. This will prevent you from getting to know what they actually want and what they actually need. You need to focus more on the psychographics, more on the value systems, the belief systems, and also this body and energy piece as well. I remember it's about understanding them as you would want to understand a friend. When you, you know, meet someone you're not really interviewing them. And like, what is your age? What is your income? What is your profession like? You know, The things that to create a really solid friendship to create a really deep connection. Those aren't the questions you ask, right? Number two. Passive engagement. I briefly touched on this, but I want to bring it up again because it's important. Simply waiting for your clients to find you, to reach out and to tell you what they want and to tell you what they're challenged by to bare their soul. Is wild. For you to think that you can. You know, just sit back and wait for this. All to roll in is wild. Be active in the way that you approach clarifying connecting with your soul clients and community, be really intentional about it. And it doesn't mean that you are. Cause I, you know, I mean, I can hear some of you being like, but I'm not a manifestor and I'm not meant to like initiate and go out there and do it. And, and there is always a way. It's important just to do it your way myself as a projector, I can still be active in my ways of connecting and clarifying things about my soul clients. Number three. Ignoring your intuition. Oh, my gosh. The thing to know about ignoring your intuition. Is that it's a no-go. Just don't do it. Just listen, right? Because your intuition, it never has the goal of leading you astray. It will always lead you to your highest potential and to your most unique version of success. And it will lead you along the path of least resistance. The only time you experienced that. You know, pushing shit uphill. And the resistance is when you are resisting your path, when you're not listening to your intuition, when you're not following your unique path and your unique framework method, like whatever. Right. Just because it doesn't seem logical doesn't mean it's any less valuable. Next one inconsistent and conflicting messaging. Having clear, sorry, having unclear or conflicting brand messaging that confuses your community. Will cause a rift in their ability to connect with you because it causes an issue with trust. It presents this idea of flakiness when there's incongruence in messaging. And I mean, another layer to this is when there's income groins in. What you say and what you present on the front end versus what you. Give on the backend when there's in-house agreements in that. That voids trust so quickly. And I actually have another episode coming out about this. Very soon. Which. It may activate a few people who knows, not me. Also their response is not my responsibility. It's a theme that I'm seeing. And it's a really interesting, so I want to bring the conversation and I will, in an episode coming soon. The lucky last one that I want to touch on is a fear of rejection. And I have spoken to this throughout this episode. Just understand that not every interaction will result in a client. And that is. Great. That's fine. We don't need to make a story about that. Right. However, each connection will always give you what you need. I shared a post recently on Instagram, it was actually a, a lesson that I was gifted through my experience with ectopic pregnancy. And pregnancy loss and. That lesson was while waiting for what you want. Well, you know, working towards what you want, you will always get what you need. And in that post, I said, you know, I shared it because it applies to life and business, and this is the perfect scenario. Right. If you don't get clients from these value calls or from these efforts of connection, you don't need to make a story about it because you will always get what you need, the cloud, the need, the thing you get, you know, it. Might be that you get more clarity about how to invite someone into your world in a more aligned way. You know, which gives you the opportunity to create a more easeful and delicious experience for clients entering your world and exiting your world through your onboarding and offboarding processes. To get information is so helpful. There's always something that you just need to look. Now that is a wrap on today's episode. I trust that you have received. Exactly what you've needed. I would love to hear your reflections. If you want to send me a dam on Instagram, which I will link in the show notes, it's always linked in the show notes, whether you're sharing your reflections from the whole episode or whether you're coming to tell me about you trying out the. Meditation, visualization, soul contract, client exercise. I would love to hear it now. If you would love my support to dive deeper into clarifying, connecting with your soul contract clients and community. This is your invitation to explore breathable business article, which is the one-on-one 14 week experience to distill your unique business ecosystem and turn the volume up on your intuition. So you can craft a business that lets you breathe. We want to brewery in business because this will allow you to eliminate your well resource path to your unique version of success, which your unique version of success is that. Vision that you're scared to talk about the one that you just hold back on just a little bit, but you cannot get it out of your head and off your heart. We need to bring that to life. And that's what we do inside a breathable business article. So if that is something that you want to explore, the link is in the show notes. Or once again, you are more than welcome to drop into my DMS. If you have any questions and remember. You also contract clients are out there. They are waiting to be called in trust the process, lean into both of the wisdom, both the wisdom of your mind, your body and your intuition, because it all has a place. And when we learn to blend all of it together, And take a holistic approach that. Is when the magic happens.

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