Intuitively High
Intuitively High is a space where insights, conversations and explorations that guide you in the embodiment of living, leading and creating your most full bloom life.
You’re invited to join visionary Life and Business Mentor, Psychic Medium and Creative Chloe Bennett for a curious and captivating exploration of all it means to be, live and create Intuitively High.
Intuitively High
Bookend your days for life in full bloom
In this podcast episode, we explore the concept of 'bookending,' a transformative practice of intention that has played a significant role in my life. You will learn all about the art of bookending and its ability to support you to live lead and create your full bloom life.
I share my personal journey in how bookending supported my recovery from severe burnout, affirming that so much of the transformation really does happen in those small micro-moments.
You will receive practical examples of bookending practices, and how you can customise bookending practices to your unique needs, and differing contexts while sharing how this practice can offer significant benefits to your body, mind, and overall quality of life.
We Cover:
- Introduction to Transformative Practices
- What is Bookending?
- The Concept of Brain Budget
- My Story of Hitting Rock Bottom
- The Power of Small Incremental Practices
- Evolving Bookending Practices
- Practical Applications of Bookending
- Introduction to Bookends
- Personal Bookend Practices
- Bookending Through the Lens of the Elements
Substack 'Bookending' Piece
Instagram post with saveable bookending ideas
Community Questions Form
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Bloom By Design
The two-part Human Design consultation is designed to help you unveil, refine, and realign your path, guiding you home to your super bloom sweet spot. Together, we’ll explore your unique Human Design, distil the insights that matter most, and ground stardust into strategy so that you feel truly bolstered to live, lead, and create in full bloom.
Explore & Book BBD
Welcome back to the podcast. I am very eager to share this conversation with you today because we're going to be talking about something that. Has been a truly transformative practice in my life. At times where I didn't have capacity to do a whole lot. And I was also at rock bottom. So. It's something that can be. Really supportive for you where ever you are in life right now. No matter if you're at rock bottom or sky high, it is something that is just so simple yet. So powerful. So I'm really excited to share that with you today. Now what we're going to be talking about this infamous practice, as you know, it will have been mentioned in the title anyway. His book ending. Now, what I'm going to share with you today is what bookending is and why it's important. I'm going to share with you my story, how bookending came into my life and the role that it's played throughout my life, you know, from that point up until today, and also how you can use bookending in your life, because. While it came into my life in a certain way. It's absolutely evolved. And there's different ways that you can use his practice. So I'm going to share that with you and also give you some examples of some of my favorite bookends. And I have You know, played out or practiced is probably a bit of word over the years. And also some examples of bookends based on the elements, because I think it is a really cool way to look at how we show up for ourselves. When we look at the elements, because the elements give us a little bit of you. They all come from a little bit of a different energy, right? So we will dive into that as well. So, Let's start out. From the top. Let's talk about bookending what it is and why it is so important. Now in its simplest form book-ending is a practice of intention. It's something that you do that signals to your brain when it's time to be on. And then when it's time to be off. Now, recently, I watched a class on masterclass, which is this online platform you may or may not be familiar with it, where there is just hundreds of different classes. You can take to learn all different things. Now. I recently was watching a class all about brain health, and I've been doing a lot of research on brain health over the last few months. Because a very close family member of mine has Alzheimer's and it is something that, you know, it is really difficult to watch. You know, unfold and to process there's a lot in that and something that I. No, that really supports me is to really. You know, I go into my rabbit holes. I go into, you know, spaces of deep research to try and understand things a little bit better and not in a way to like control things more in a way to better understand what might be happening, better, understand how I can show up for. You know, for example, this family member with the Alzheimer's and, you know, kind of prepare myself a little bit as much as I can, I guess, for What can, you know, how it's likely to unfold and also with Alzheimer's there is Some scientific research that suggests that there is you know, genetic connection with it. So it's definitely prompted me to go, okay, how can I. Look after my brain health, even more and not from a place of, you know, deep fear and control, but just more of like, okay, this is something that I hadn't really pinpointed as super important before, but. It's something that, you know, now with this, it's just put it into perspective that little bit more. So. The reason I bring this up is because when I was watching one of the classes in this series of classes about brain health They mentioned something called a brain budget. And I really loved this term because what brain budget references and the way that they explained it is. You know, thinking about the capacity. Of our brains, right. And what we have to the capacity of spender to that we have every day. And there are things that will be high expenses from our brain budget. And there will be things that will be, you know, lower expenses from our brain budget and some of the higher expenses you. Things that are really good for us. Right. And it's just all about knowing. How to support yourself and your brain health in a way that doesn't, you know, outspend your budget, that doesn't send you into a place of. You know, depletion and I really loved this concept because it made me think of. Bookending and kind of why it's so important and how it can be really supportive. And the reason I bring it up is because bookending, when you think about it, Is not meant to be something that is a huge expense, right? If we talk about a bookending budget, like there is nothing about bookending that is meant to be a big expense. It is meant to be something that is. A smaller expense yet. Pays dividends. To supporting, you know, your body, your nervous system, your energetic health, your physical health, your mental health, your relationships, your creativity. You know, all of it. Right. So I just thought that was really cool, the way that they explained having a brain budget. And we can think about this as well, in a general sense of our expenditure budget. For our ourselves, you know, our body, our mind, and all of the things like. Knowing how much you have, how much capacity you have each and every day and supporting yourself to show up in that capacity and not push beyond that to a point of depletion, to burn out, to rock bottom, which is exactly where I found myself. And that is, you know, where I met. Bookending the practice. So. Bookending itself, like I say, is a practice of intention. It's signaling to your brain when it's time to be on. And when it's time to be off, the reason that it's so important is because we live such busy lives. We live such full and abundant lives and. What can happen is we can begin to, you know, lose track. We can begin to have things just melt into one another, and while that's not always bad, what it can do. When we aren't as present is it can take us away from ourselves. It can really. Unground us in the way that we're able to show up in life and to give you some examples, the way that this can happen is, you know, You start to sort of forget what day it is. You're like, oh God, I don't know if it's Monday or Wednesday or Thursday. I don't know what date is. Right. You lose track of time. You. Lose track of commitments. You, you know, there's all of these things where. We are kind of just letting things flow from one thing into the other and tend to lose track. And this is what's something that was coming up for me a lot in the beginning as well. Is. I would be like, oh my God, what day is that? I kind of tell you what day it is. And you know, it would happen on weekends as well, which is wild because there's usually a pretty definitive difference between morning and evening. Right. So that's essentially what bookending is now bookending as a practice is something that is like I say, really low expenditure. It's something that can be really simple. And I'm going to give you some examples soon. You know, some more examples, but just to sort of give you an understanding, if you were to bookend your day, what that would look like is you would do something when you woke up and you were starting your day. And you would do something else when you are at the end of your day and you were winding down. So for me, for a period of time, Something that I really love to do. And that my body, you know, really needed was support in. Getting back in tune with time, with nature with the day. Right. So I utilized sunrise and sunset. I would go and watch the sunrise and I would watch the sunset. I would do a walk at both. So I would get up in the morning and do a sunrise walk and then I would do the same thing of a nighttime. And that would really be helpful for me because it signaled to my brain. Okay. It's go time when I get back from that sunrise walk, the days on I am on. And then when I did the sunset walk, it was like, okay. Off like time is off. It's time to wind down. It's time to disconnect. It's time to, you know, disconnect from the world and reconnect to myself. And my own energy. And that was really a really beautiful practice. So. That is that. And I'm going to give you like a same more examples soon when it comes to my story. And bookending now I wrote about this from a pretty vulnerable and personal perspective on my sub stack, which I will link in the show notes below that you can go and read if you like. Bookending came into my life at a moment where, like I mentioned earlier, I was at absolute rock bottom. And when I say absolute rock bottom, to give you a visual picture of what that looked like, I was. Incredibly burnt out. To the point where I actually struggled to go outside, I struggled to be around too much light. And there was a particular day that I will never forget where I was like, okay. I just need to get outside and, you know, do. Like a walk around the block, just a really gentle walk around the block. It sounds simple. Right? Which it was not simple for me at all. I walked out of my place. And by the time I got to the path, things had already started to unravel. I had already started to unravel. And it, I barely got, you know, Very far at all. And like I say, I go into this in the sub stack, but I ended up having to turn around because I. Started to get really dizzy. I couldn't see properly. I became incredibly unstable on my feet. And that in itself. I was terrifying. I remember. Just feeling. Incredibly. Isolated and unsafe and just. Terrified of. Where I was at and how on earth I was going to get myself out of the mess that I was in. How on earth was I going to work my way out of this burnout? It was so bad. And. I didn't really talk to anyone about it. I never really let anybody know how bad it was because I had so much shame about getting myself to that place. Like I was the one who kind of got myself there because I pushed myself beyond the capacity. Like I was talking about earlier, you know, like the brain budget, I pushed my brain beyond its capacity. I also pushed my body beyond its capacity. I pushed myself way too far for too long. And it. Just got to a point where. My body, you know, I often say like, listen to the whispers of your body, so you don't have to hear it scream. And it was unfortunate for me that I'd got myself to a place where I was hearing deafening screens from my body. They were just. Absolutely deafening. And, you know, that's just one example of. What it looked like for me in that time of burnout and. I knew something had to give, I knew I had to do something, but like I said, I just, I was at such a rock bottom and I had expended so much of my capacity that I felt like I had nothing left to give. So I knew it had to be something incredibly small. I knew it had to be something that didn't take much from me. And. You know, it did, it started out really small. It started out when I would still be in bed of a morning and it would just be taking a moment of being present with myself and. You know, thinking of things I'm grateful for. And it would be things that I would do every day. Like having a shower that also became a bookend for me, because it was something I was already doing. But. It was something that I could place intention upon and be really intentional about the practice that I was doing that would support me to work my way out of the space that I'd got into now. This whole time. While it was incredibly challenging. It really taught me to recognize the power in small incremental practices and actions and how they can have such a dramatic effect on our lives. I think when we become really, you know, overwhelmed or we experienced things in our lives that feel like they are taking up all of our capacity, we can. Decide that it's too much to show up for ourselves. We can decide that it's too much to, you know, Take a walk around the block or around your house. Like seriously, it is as simple as that, we can just decide that taking care of ourselves is too much. And this breaks my heart. I see it happen a lot. And it is something that I then will always, if someone is open to it, introduce them to the practice of bookending. And. Just gift them this practice because it is truly such a gift. So use this episode and what I'm sharing with you as a reminder of the actions and the practices don't need to be big and long and drawn out to these crazy. Different, you know, places they can be so, so simple. So, I mean, that's my story with book-ending and how it began in a nutshell. And I could, you know, go so deep into all of the different ways. When I think about this though, the really beautiful thing that happened as, you know, I started to get better. Book-ending has always been a part of my life since that point, which I think is so special and it's really evolved with me and it's evolved in the way that, you know, when I initially began bookending it really began as book-ending my day, like I've mentioned, you know, when. Signaling to my brain when it's time to be on. And when it's time to be off. It really then started to support me in other ways, for example, When I would be going to an event because obviously, you know, when you're in a space of burnout, you don't have a lot of capacity to be with other people. And you know, being conversation and activity and all of those things. So I really had to build my capacity back up. So during those times I would use bookending as a tool when I would, you know, go to events when I would get to the event. And when I would leave the event quite often, I would take a couple of minutes before I got out of the car. And when I got back into the car to just. Close my eyes and really just feel back into my body, like take note of my body and do a bit of a body scan. And like I said, I would do the same thing when I got back into the car after, and I would set an intention to release. You know, anything that I'd taken on, any energy that. Absorbed at the event and, you know, hand it back. Give it back to those that belonged to so that I could come away from that event really grounded and present and you know, in my body and really with myself essentially. So it really started to support me in so many ways and evolved just like that. There has been many different circumstances that I've used it, whether it be like I say, events, you know, single catch up with friends, whether it be getting on and off client calls. Taking a moment to really ground, you know, tap into the energy and then, you know, hand the energy back and ground myself back into my own space. It is really, really adaptable and supportive for. Anything that you need in life. And this is why I say that. Bookending is a practice of intention. First and foremost, it's a practice of intention and intention is something that I know and truly believe. And, you know, I mean, I witness it all the time. It has so much power and so much potency and it can be really easily underestimated. It's like, oh yeah, you. You know, like set an intention and like maybe something will happen. No. Setting an intention is direction for your energy. If you sit an intention, you are directing your energy and you are the owner and the director of your energy. So if you don't direct it with intention, it will go anywhere and everywhere that it is pulled. However, if you set an intention, you can visualize your energy, the intention. As an anchor for your energy to gravitate towards that's the path that it follows without that anchor, without that intention. That is when the outside world can just come and grab it can see that all from you. So please don't underestimate the power of intention. It is just so, so brilliant. Now. When it comes to how you can use bookending in your life. Let's expand a little bit upon the examples I was just giving you. So like I've mentioned, you can use it at the beginning and end of your day. You can use it also, you know, in your workplace. So if you were, and this is whether you own your own business or whether you are an employer of somebody or a company, whatever it might be. You can use it there. So for example, the start and the end of your day, and maybe it is for you when you walk out the door of your house and when you walk back in. Maybe it's the same as like the example I gave when I was sitting in the car. Maybe it's when you arrive at work, you take a few minutes and then when you leave work, you take a few minutes in the car as well. It could be in and out of meetings in and out of client calls. There's something you do. There's a practice that you have and you know, there's, there's many ways you can do. And I find that bookending is something that's really supportive. At times where. You may be struggling a little bit with your capacity or maybe. Your energy is just feeling a little bit more sensitive or there's, you know, maybe there's something happening at work that isn't making you feel great. And you know, you have to go into a meeting about it, or you have to have an interaction with someone and really using book-ending is. A practice too. Isolate the energy and the expenditure of your energy with those things. Like I said before, another place and time that you can use bookending is socially so arriving and leaving an event, catching up with a friend you know, family events as well. We all, you. You know, no that whether it's going to big events or sometimes it's catching up with the people that, you know, we've been around our whole lives and some that we love the most, that it can still expand our energy and that's okay. That's not bad at all. It's just us being really proactive and really intentional about how we care for ourselves and know that just because someone is family, like doesn't negate the fact that they can also zap your energy. Right. They are a human just is a friend or a stranger. So. So. You're using it around family can be really supportive as well. Now to give you some examples of bookends. First I'm going to give you. The virus examples of we're doing this a little bit backwards. Normally bonuses come at the end of something, right. We're going to switch things up. So I'm going to give you some of the practices that have been my go-to practices over the years. And, you know, maybe offer a little bit of inspiration for you. A couple I've already mentioned when I'm going to, I'm going to re mention them, and then we will go through the suggestions as they pertain to the elements. So. My personal bookends that I have loved over the years has been sunrise and sunset. And, you know, whether it's just watching it or it is going for a walk and being in, you know, The energy of it, whatever it is taking a moment of silence in the car. You know, doing that body scan or, you know, maybe thinking of a gratitude, whatever it might be. Taking a shower. Going for a walk outside. You know, lighting an incense or candle, that's something I really loved for a long time of. You know, I would like an incense at the start of the day and at the end of the day, and I had different scents that were for morning and that were for evening. I also had that particular sense that I would use for when I actually started work or I was jumping on a client call. Sandy's a really beautiful thing to use, to specify what it is that you are guiding your energy into. It can be a really beautiful anchor. Something that I've been doing recently as well is having my infrared heat lamp on my feet before I sleep. And this has been a really great signal for my body. To switch off. So especially the nights that I have been maybe a little bit more wired. You know, sometimes, you know, cycle and you can just be a little bit more wide of a night time. It has been such a beautiful practice to really. Feel the bookend, like a lock-in. It's this energy of, you know, the more that you start doing, book-ending, you'll start to feel the shift of energy and you really get to attune to your energy. And. Where it is at, and this is something that I just feel within a couple of minutes, especially if I'm wired within about five minutes or less. Sometimes I feel my energy shift so intensely. It is incredible. Something else I loved was, and I still do this as well from time to time, not always every step, but closing all the blinds. So, you know, as sunset hits and this is generally seasonally, the more I think about this as well. I will close all the blinds and I'll put on some chill music. It might be like soundbath music on YouTube. It might be a playlist on Spotify that I've got generally. It's something that there is no words in their music. To really just not feel like I'm consuming more because the idea. Especially with the end of the day is not feeling like you're consuming. It's more of a release essentially handing back. Right. Something else I love for a long time was going to Pilates. We have a reformer in our house now, so I don't have to go anywhere, which is a brilliant and great. However, you know, in the past, when I would go to the Pilates studio, I really found that as an incredible morning anchor for me, because it also got me out of my environment. And there was a period of time where I really needed that. So it's like, it's also attuning to your needs. What do you need? And then what bookends can really support that need for me, there was a time where I needed to get out of the house because I was spending so much time at home. I needed to get out of the house to really reset my energy, to kind of wake me up, wake my body up and get me, you know, into my body and feeling good so that when I returned, I was good to go. I was ready for the day. And something that myself and my partner do. Every night and we have for years. The years that we've been together. We've missed probably. Oh, like. Five maybe. And they feel like that's being generous in the years that we've been together. We've missed like five nights. And that is doing our rose and thorn of the day. So before we go to sleep, we share with each other. What our rows. So like our highlight of the day is, and what our thorn. So maybe it's a bit of like learning experience, maybe it was something that didn't feel that great. Maybe it was something that was like, you know what, this wasn't great. So, you know, tomorrow I'm carrying over and I have the intention to shift something. So that, that doesn't happen again. Right. And we share these. With each other and it's just such a beautiful. Way to not only connect, but also to really. Check in with what has stood out for each other. What has been important in our days? What has really either impacted us in a good way or impacted us maybe in a little bit more of a detrimental way and so that we can know how to support each other as well. It's just, it's such a beautiful practice and. There are days where like, and it's not always like overly deep either. There are definitely days where it is. So. Just so that there can be funny things. There can be. Really. Like light and simple things. Sometimes I, you know, make dinner and it just hits, like, it really just hits. And that's my rose sometimes because. You know, I love to cook, but I also am very particular and I, I don't, I'm not always a hundred percent impressed with my food. So when I am, that is rose material. Sometimes it is. Conversations and calls that I've had with my clients, because I absolutely adore connecting with my clients. And I also love seeing them have breakthroughs in them winning. So quite often, you know, one of my roles might be. You know, a call that I had with a client today and just the shift that they had and, you know, that always remained anonymous. That's never shared, it's just. The fact of really being able to witness and be the support and guide for my clients is essentially where that comes from. So it is such a beautiful practice. So there, my. They're my go tos over the years, the most common ones, I probably had some more random things I've done in there. And if we dive into now exploring some examples for you based on the different elements. So I'm going to go through the different elements of air, fire, water, and earth. And some examples of what you might be able to do or feel called to do to bookend. Your day, a catch-up and event, whatever it might be. So let's start with air with air. I invite you to the examples of closing your eyes and setting an intention for your day, and then coming. Back at the end of the day to reflect. So taking a moment, sometimes this is really great. Even before you get out of bed, if you can catch yourself before you open your eyes and really like move much. Is set an intention for your day. That is such a powerful time for your brain and your body in the morning. And your connection to spirit as well to really set that intention. And then coming back at the end of the day to reflect. And maybe that is when your head hits the pillow. Again, maybe it is in the shower. Maybe it is. You do a little bit of journaling at the end of the day to kind of just get everything out of the day. And that leads me to my second example is journaling. So journaling in the form of, you know, morning pages, gratitudes life scripting. You might have specific prompts for the morning and the evening that you like to write on that sort of give you a little bit of a prompt of what to share. Something else that is really beautiful is sound healing. So you can do, there is plenty of sound healing. You know, journeys on YouTube, or if there is like a local sound healing event, maybe that is a special, a bookend that you have one day. But you get to go to breath work is another beautiful one as well. There is obviously different breath work that you can do in the morning to ignite your energy and support your energy throughout the day. And there's also breath work that you can do to really calm your body and to ground yourself and support yourself to have a beautiful sleep as well. Something else. And the lucky last for the air category is to pull a card and reflect on what that brings up for you. What that highlights and invite you into. Now, if we look at fire, so with fire, This is one of my favorites. Which. When I did my energy healer practitioner training fire was the element that I work with a lot. When I am doing any energy healing for anyone. So no shocks there that this is one of my favorites. So when it comes to fire, something you can do, which I've already mentioned is to light your favorite incense or a candle that signifies a beginning or end of your day. So it could be, like I mentioned earlier, maybe it's a specific scent for the morning and a specific fence sent for the evening. Maybe it's a completely like unscented candle. That it's just the act of lighting it and really witnessing that light and then, you know, mining it at the end of the day as well, sort of whatever that might be for you. Also smoke, cleansing your space and energy field. Now this is something that you might feel called to do every day and it might not be, it might be more that you like to do it at the end of the day. To really clear out anything that you have picked up throughout the day that isn't your own. And lucky last for fire is to write down anything you wish to release from your day and safely burn it to ashes. I used to do this a lot and it was so incredibly supportive. I. You know, You always want to make sure you do this safely. You don't want to be starting any fires anywhere at all. And I mean, it could really be something that is so simple. It could just be on a post-it note and you burn the post-it note. It doesn't have to be like, you've scripted your whole life. And now you're going to burn down all of these things. Right. Keep it simple. When it comes to water. So water examples are to immerse yourself in a body of water. For example, taking a shower, a bath, you know, maybe it's a dip in the ocean. If you live near the ocean or in a pool, whether you have a pool, you go to a local pool, whatever that might be washing your hair. This is a really beautiful one, especially with a visualization practice. So. If you wash your hair. While you're doing that, you know, maybe you're rinsing something out closing your eyes as the water runs over your scalp. And then with your eyes closed, visualizing everything that you want to release from your day, washing away from your scalp, down your hair, strands down your back and into the. Like into the. What am I trying to say? I've lost my thought down the drain is what I'm trying to say. Let it go down the drain. Just watch it, visualize it. Go down the drain. You know, and hand that back to mother earth, just to. You know, to deal with essentially, because mother earth is the best at processing things for us. And we're allowed to hand it over as long as it is with love and intention. The other thing with water and this one is really simple, really simple. So if you're like, I don't have time. I challenge you. This one is for you. Drink a big glass of water. And while you're drinking that water, take a moment to close your eyes and bring to mind a gratitude that you have for your day. Simple is that 30 seconds, done. And if it's not a big loss of water, maybe it's a little glass of water, whatever it is. That is a really beautiful and simple one, especially too. If you find yourself very busy throughout the day and you, if your day feels full and you feel like I don't have capacity, I'm saying you do have capacity. You just have to choose the right bookend. And this could be the bookend for you going okay. I'm just going to take a drink of water. And that's going to be my booklet, because like I said, it's all about intention. If your intention is to have drinking a big glass of water and taking a moment to think of something you're grateful for. As your bookend. Brilliant. Amazing success like tick. Top of the class. Great. Okay. Let's dive into the lucky last element, which is earth. So with earth, something really beautiful to do is to go outside and walk your feet along the earth, whether it's in your backyard at your local park, or, you know, if you live near the beach, wherever you can just get your feet on to the earth. And really when you do it, is it a kind of just like, Chuck in your feet on the earth. And like, you know, maybe just walking like, oh yeah, tick, like I've walked on the grass or I've walked on the ocean. Really feel your feet and paid attention. As your feet land on the ground. So maybe it's on grass or sand or whatever it is really feel, you know, you're heel to toe and as your feet meet the earth and really be present with that, it is just. The more that you do it. And the more that you're present with it, you really get to tune into the energy of the earth and it also activates your energy and you feel it. This is like, I mean, this podcast is called intuitively high. A lot of developing your intuition and your energetic connection, both to self and to spirit and to the earth is to really pay attention, to slow down for a minute. Like it is so underestimated doing things like this, you know? If you want to. I'm going to say habit, stack your intuitive development. That's a great practice walking your feet along the earth, but being present while you do it. Another thing for earth is to do a Haven in session, which if you're not familiar with Haven, I invite you to go and follow L Louise McBride. She's a beautiful friend of mine and I trusted go-to for all things, having. Haven is a practice. It's not similar to EFT, but you're using hands to the body. And it is just such a beautiful practice to really downregulate your nervous system and your energy. And I mean, Al will explain it much better than I can, and she has some beautiful videos. On her Instagram and I believe she has a YouTube channel as well now. And then has some meditations on insight timer as well. And then the other thing is the lucky last for earth is to get morning sun. Soon after you wake up, even if it's overcast, like don't look outside and go, oh my God, the sun's not out. I can't do it. You can just get outside, like get out aside of the concrete walls and the white roof and let yourself see. Nature. Let yourself be outside. Get some air, get some sun. It is like I say all about intention. So that is. All things bookending for you. I would love to hear if you try, bookending what it is you try and what shifts that you notice and how it supports you. Absolutely come and send me a DM on Instagram. You can find my. Link to my Instagram in the show notes as well. I would love, love to hear how this supports you. And if you have any questions that have come up about bookending as always, I have. The link to a AMA form. In the show notes where you can submit your questions so that I can answer them. And if you share your Instagram or a way for me to contact you, I can let you know where I answer that. So it sometimes will be. On the podcast. Sometimes it will be on Instagram itself. It could be on my sub stack anywhere that I share the goodness of wisdom. Is where I answer those questions. So if that has come up for you, absolutely share that there, you can also share it anonymous on. Anonymously. If I can get my words out, that he's also so fine. I just definitely invite you to share where I can contact you to let you know. So. That is possible. I'm going to leave it there. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day. W wherever you are in the world. I ain't going to take my jumpy tongue and go and have some rest. I think, I think that is needed for me today, but I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day. and I will be back with another episode for you very soon. Welcome to Intuitively High, a podcast blooming with explorations and conversations guiding you to live, lead, and create intuitively high. If unlocking super bloom secrets, human design wisdom, intuitive development, and breaking cycles that keep you from your truest self sound just as good to you as they do me, you're in for a treat. I'm your host, Chloe Bennett, and I am so grateful to have you with me today. Now, let's settle in for today's episode. Welcome to Intuitively High, a podcast blooming with explorations and conversations guiding you to live, lead, and create intuitively high. If unlocking super bloom secrets, human design wisdom, intuitive development, and breaking cycles that keep you from your truest self sound just as good to you as they do me, you're in for a treat. I'm your host, Chloe Bennett, and I am so grateful to have you with me today. Now, let's settle in for today's episode.